
Faster document processing for customer onboarding

Slow customer onboarding puts you at risk of increased drop-off and losing potential customers to faster competitors. Patterns automate your data processing and validation so you can speed up your KYC checks, increase your conversion rates, and stay ahead of the competition.

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Process and verify customer onboarding in real time with Patterns including:

  • Brokerage statements/custodial statements
  • ID detection
  • Address detection
RMP Menu Onboarding

Create a great experience from the first interaction

Manually uploading and reviewing documents can create inefficiencies and delays in your onboarding workflows, especially when those documents come in different formats. Take advantage of sophisticated machine learning to review and validate your customer’s data automatically, so you can get them onboarded quickly and painlessly.

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Don’t see the Pattern you’re looking for?

If you don’t see what you need to unblock your workflow, we can work with you to design a custom Pattern for your documents or data sets.

Get in touch

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